Theoretical Chemistry 2004 06

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Molecular Spectroscopy and Dynamics






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Theoretical Chemistry: Molecular Spectroscopy and Dynamics
F. Mariotti, M. Quack, Willeke, Martin; Stohner, Jürgen

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Ab initio Vibration-Rotation Spectroscopy
W. Thiel

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High-Resolution Photoelectron Spectroscopy and ab initio Quantum Chemistry
S. Willitsch, A. Wüest, F. Merkt

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Effects of the Wire Length on H-Atom Transfer in 7-Hydroxyquinoline·(NH3)n: n = 2 and 3
C. Manca, Ch. Tanner, S. Leutwyler

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Coupled Anharmonic Vibrational Dynamics of the Hydrogen Bond in Binary Complexes
M. Goubet, B. Madebène, M. Lewerenz

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Potential Energy Surfaces for Vibrational and Rotational Wave Packet Motion in Polyatomic Molecular Systems
F. Cuvelier, S. Hervé, R. Marquardt, K. Sagui

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Quantum State Resolved Studies of Gas/Surface Reaction Dynamics
R. Beck, T. Rizzo



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Quantum Chemistry 'Without Orbitals' – An Old Idea and Recent Developments
T. Wesolowski



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Modelling Properties of Molecules with open d- or f-Shells Using Density Functional Theory
C. Daul

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