Fall Meeting 2010
September 16, 2010, ETH Zurich
2010 07

Scientific Content

All articles of this issue are available on Ingenta.

To access the articles you must be a SCS member or a CHIMIA subscriber.


With nearly six hundred presentations (posters, contributed and invited talks), the Fall Meeting represents a major event for chemical research in Switzerland, and it offers a unique opportunity for graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and senior scientists from academia and industry to share the results of their research. The title page shows amyloids of the HET-s Prion and was provided by the research group of Prof. Beat H. Meier of ETH Zürich.


Additional content

Contents 442 Icon FreeContent

Editorial 444 Icon FreeContent

445  Icon FreeContent

616 Icon FreeContent

FH-HES 617  Icon FreeContent

Diverses 621 Icon FreeContent

SCG/SSC/SCS  623  Icon FreeContent

Information 625  Icon FreeContent

CHIMIA-Report 626 Icon FreeContent





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